Halfway up the Y mountain. It was funny, Jade kept asking, "where are all the animals?" So...
It was funny because once we got to the top, there was this big group of BYU girls who made it to the top and were screaming, and freaking out that they made it and taking picture after picture, and videos of themselves...(they even talked about not shaving their legs for a month, and all sorts of interesting conversations i wish i couldn't hear) So when Jade was disappointed that she did not see

Any animals... we told her "oh yes you did, you saw some ZUBBIES"!! Seriously, sometimes I wonder about them!

Carrie my little sister (AND my sister in law) ... super FUN! It's great to have her in BOTH families!

Jade and Katelyn (joel and bon's little girl) had so much fun rolling down the hill in their dresses! Yep, there are several shots of cute princess panties!

Jack (Carrie's little boy) and Gracie with Grandma! They love her. All kids love her!

Me and my big sista JEN!!! She's the best. And i love her hair curly! Isn't it CUTE? It's all natural!!

This is my CUZ from Maine! He's doing some work in Salt Lake and comes to hang with us sometimes! We are trying to convince him to stay here in UTah, become a Mormon, and marry a cute girl and live happily ever after.... yeah, i think he has other plans... BUT we're WORKING on it!

My adorable loves! Gracie just makes me smile all the time! Jason is the best Dad!
Oh my goodness! It has been the craziest few weeks! I have a lot of catching up to do! Here's WHY:
*Mother's Day Weekend - YEAH! i got a new camera! I can take pictures again!
*Cassi (Jason's cute sister) went through the Temple and it was Sooo special! We just love that girl (more pics coming)
*Jade's 3rd Birthday
*Family coming to visit for the wedding which was super fun and meant LONG, LATE nights of GAMES, VOLLEYBALL, TALKING, EATING, and CUTTING VEGETABLES, MaKING Rolls, and doing music all to prepare for the MR. and Mrs. Andrews to be!!! It was fantastic and fun to see everyone. Good times! :-)
*Mike's WEDDING- ahhhhh... it's over now. YIPEE! It was super fun!
So this is part 1 MOTHERS DAY!
We had a great mother's Day weekend and it involved a hike up the Y mountain with my cute husband and our girls and on Sunday a great fun pot luck in the park with all the fam! Then a visit to Jason's parents house to wish my awesome mother- in law a happy Mother's Day!! Stay tuned for part 2....
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