It's BEEN AWHILE! Here's what the Baird family has been up to laTeLy:

Ohhh.... la la! Yep, we went dancin'! Danced the NIGHT away... our stake had an adult semi-formal dance and it was SO much fun! It made me remember all those old college and even high school days when we would dance and dance and dance!! It was awesome! Jason is a pretty good dancer and surprised everyone with his sweet moves. We're getting OLD though, cause the next day i was SORE! My lower back KILLED from the heels I wore! I was doing the boot-scottin' boogie, electric slide, macarena, a little MJ, grease dance, ALL in HEELS! Like this beautiful skirt? Yep... it was my mommaS!! She let me borrow it for the special occasion. She wore it to Mike's wedding and looked stunning! Thanks Mom!
Date Night! It had like a MONTH since we had a 'date night' just the 2 of us! So we had a GREAT date going to eat at Happy Sumo. ummmm... their teriyaki salmon is so yummy and chung pao chicken...ummm. Then we went to the mall I got a nice new bra at Victoria's secret! Yea for new bras... right? Ya feel like a million bucks again! After we went to Pizza Factory JUST for their cookie icecream dessert! DELICIOUS! THEN we went on the MOONLIGHT lift ride up Sundance. It was so romantic and so beautiful up there at night! We had a great date! It's always good and very important to find time to 'date' each other. We love every chance we get to go :-)
Oh this girl makes me laugh DAILY! She's SO incredibly different from Jade it's craZy! Jade would DIE if she had food on her hands, or on her mouth, she asks for napkins and is obsessed with being clean! I gave Grace some plain yogurt with fruit and ran to the bathroom really fast... and came back to this surprise! Oh this girl.... gotta love her.
Can't GET enough! My goodness we are so blessed to have such beautiful surroundings! This is a little hike we took up Dry Creek Canyon in Lindon. It was fun and gorGeOuS! Mike, Tiffany, Rachel and mom and Dad came too!
I looked at this picture and suddenly realized #1. how BIG my little girl is getting #2. How I LOVED to be in the kitchen with my mom when she cooks. I still do! She's amazing and I love to just watch her GO! So Jade has decided she loves to help me too so I bought these matching aprons at Ross for 14.00 for BOTH! :-) It's funny cause we're both wearing black underneath so we REALLY look like twins!
We're busy makin' sunday dinner for Jason's Grandparents! We love to bring them dinner about once a month to visit and hear all their wisdom and stories. I love Sundays.... I love Family.
Another HIKE picture! You can see the WHOLE valley!
Is this not the CUTEST picture?? Oh man... what a CUTE pair! Jade adores her Daddy and with or WITHOUT the pack... is ATTACHED at his hip always!
I know... a little scandalous here (pre- fastening her dress). Jade is showing some cleavage. She got these two new princess outfits for her getting rid of the pacifier! She could LIVE in princess dresses... man, we need some more testosterone around here!
Me with my GIRLS... it was difficult getting a picture where they were BOTH looking and SMILING!